The Detroit Auto Show, formerly known as the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS), is making its highly anticipated return to its traditional January schedule in 2025. Scheduled from January 10 to January 20 at Huntington Place in downtown Detroit, this iconic event continues to be a cornerstone for the automotive industry. As a company headquartered in Troy, Michigan—just a short drive from the event—Perry Johnson Registrars (PJR) celebrates the significance of this gathering in advancing automotive innovation and excellence.
This year’s show promises a packed schedule, featuring world-class vehicle debuts, interactive exhibits, and cutting-edge technology displays. The highly regarded charity preview, including a performance by Flo Rida, will kick off the event, while industry insiders and enthusiasts alike will explore the latest trends in sustainability, electric vehicles, and autonomous driving. For attendees, the Detroit Auto Show is not only a chance to see what’s next in automotive design but also a celebration of the city’s rich history as the automotive capital of the world.
The Detroit Auto Show’s return to its original January timing brings renewed focus to its role as a premier venue for showcasing technological advancements and connecting key players in the automotive sector. Its emphasis on innovation aligns perfectly with the goals of companies striving to maintain excellence through adherence to recognized standards.
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