If you’re new to the idea of certification, seeing the list of procedures, forms, and other controlled documents involved in the process might be an overwhelming surprise. After all, their designations may not be the most descriptive – and the reason for their existence can be unclear.
Of all the documents PJR asks its clients to be familiar with, the PRO-3 may be the most commonly-referenced of them all. Under the full title “Procedure for Publicizing/Advertising Certification and Use of the PJR Logo, Standard Licensing Body Logos and Accreditation Body Symbols,” the PRO-3 outlines in detail the exact expectations of not only PJR but accreditation bodies and certification scheme owners for the use of their logos and symbology in commercial promotion.
With consequences as severe as suspension or withdrawal of a certificate, knowing the rules for use of logos is crucial for certified clients. As such, PJR rigorously maintains the PRO-3 with the most recent updates from all of the parties in play, no matter how small an adjustment. Clients are promptly notified of these changes whenever a new revision is introduced, and the most current version of the PRO-3 will always be available on PJR’s Registration Document Download (link) page.
Questions about whether your use of logos is appropriate? Reach out to PJR today at [email protected] or by getting in touch with your project manager!
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