Food Safety Certification
Food safety is a concern that all consumers have in mind – especially given widespread recalls, reports of contaminated or unsafe food, and other worries. There are a huge range of certification options available to producers and manufacturers of food and agricultural products; PJR is proud to offer two excellent options in FSSC and ISO 22000 certification.
FSSC (also referred to as FSSC 22000) is a complete certification scheme based on three existing standards: ISO 22000, ISO 22002-1, and ISO 22002-4. Able to be fully integrated with other ISO management systems such as ISO 9001 or ISO 45001 under the Annex SL structure, FSSC can be a great option for those looking for a flexible, rigorous way of demonstrating their food safety commitment to consumers.
ISO 22001 has gained a number of changes and improvements as of its most recent revision in 2018. Strengthened emphasis on management commitment, addition of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, and a focus on risk management come together with other parts of the standard to help identify and control food safety hazards and help consumers trust certified products.
For more information on each of these standards and who may benefit from their application, visit the pages below.

ISO 22000

Additional Food Safety Schemes
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